Peter Gerwinski wrote:
Jawaad Ahmad wrote:
> > [Win95] C:\TEMP\pas>gpc -Wall pi.pas
> > pi.pas:35: warning: `{' within comment
> > pi.pas:35: warning: `}' within comment
> > pi.pas:26: module/unit interface `Gpc' could not be imported

gpc -Wall --automake pi.pas

Maybe I should simply stick with C and C++.  :-)

[Win95] C:\TEMP\pas>gpc -Wall --automake pi.pas
pi.pas:35: warning: `{' within comment
pi.pas:35: warning: `}' within comment
d:\djgpp\bin\ld.exe: cannot open -lgmp: No such file or directory (ENOENT)

(A)bort, (R)etry, (L)ose marbles?
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