I think when I have time, I will do something similar to John; build GPC on my Debian box.

I am NOT a C or C++ programmer so will rely heavily on notes from this thread, especially those from Waldeck :-)  Honestly, I haven't built GPC since about 2002 or so and he last time I used GPC was about 2005.  

I'm a telcom/database programmer, mostly using C#, SQL, HTML, XML and a host of industry specific tools.  The only raw C experience I have is working on the GPC compiler.  My learning curve is going to be extremely steep.  I don't work on compilers or OSs or anything very low level.  That said, with a little time, I can navigate C code.  

I thoroughly understand understand Waldeck wrote...
>I do not think rewrite is a good idea.  In many cases code is
>messy for a reason: the task it has to do is messy.  When
>planning rewrite one looks at big picture and gets impression
>that things can be organized neatly.  But messines comes from
>little details which are not visible in big picture.  Rather,
>the correct approach is constant restructuiring.

If we are to revive GPC, or minimally try to make it work, I think we should update the website to indicate this.  Maybe there are folks out there who might want to help if they see GPC is not dead or abandoned.  Does Peter have control over the website?


On Tue, Jan 3, 2017 at 7:35 PM, John L. Ries <jries@salford-systems.com> wrote:

I'm going to see if it is even possible to compile and run GPC 2.1 on my
OpenSUSE box and then see where to go from there (I'll probably follow
up with Waldek Hebisch's latest-and-greatest from 2007, followed by
whatever is currently in the Git repository he pointed us to).  I don't
use Pascal professionally, but I do use it for personal projects (I
greatly prefer it to C/C++) so I'll do what little I can to push things