Hi all!

I'm watching this conversation. I also think that nobody will be a programmer who finds it boring. I know, no matter how interesting stuffs you show, they find it boring. Believe me, I tried to draw the attention of my mates to programming, but I always had to give up.

1. I'm a 18-year-old student.
2. I find programming a really interesting subject.
3. However, I never learnt programming in school, because teachers really don't teach this subject here. I asked adults to teach me some things, read books, documentations on the Internet, tried many things on my own.
4. Programming is my life. I really want to be a programmer, when I grow up. I hope I can accomplish it.

When I was playing games on my old DOS machine, I also asked the question: "These games are really cool, but how are they made?" Since that time, I learnt many things of programming, most of them are far from games.

If somebody finds it all boring, then you can't teach him. They'll find other occupations for themselves they will like. It's no use to worry about it, since there are enough programmers in the world. If you worry about the balance of the occupations, think about why there are 4 university students of 5 who wants to be an economist. Do we really need so many economists? (Sorry for this off-topic.)
