I take your point that things could be more clearly spelt out on the GPC web site about the current state of play. But we did discuss this matter at length in 2010 - see



Best regards,

The Chief

On 29.12.2016 18:03, Ken Linder wrote:

With all due respect to Prof. Olowofoyeku, I do not personally find anything well documented about the current state of GPC development on the GPC homepage.  The wikipedia page does have some helpful information regarding its current state; however, information on a Wikipedia page is not always accurate and may even be misleading.  
As John wrote, the most recent files on the website are quite old.  There is no explanation to the general person interested in GPC who visits the site, why there is nothing newer.  Nothing in the FAQ or documentation.  Perhaps searching the e-mail archives might yield something, but in my experience, people with only cursory interest, will not dig deep for the answers.  A topic as serious as the current development state, especially for a project like GPC that appears to have been abandoned, should be plainly state somewhere on the project website.
PLEASE Please understand I am not complaining.  I am simply giving my opinion and offering my help.  Pascal was one of my first languages and I honestly would not enjoy seeing GPC completely wither away and disappear.  That said, I am NOT a compiler or OS developer.  I did briefly experiment with GPC code in the early 2000's, but have very little experience with C in general.  That doesn't mean I can't learn it; my learning curve would just be rather steep.
It is my firm opinion we should chat about what can be done with GPC.  Should it be rewritten in C++?  Should it be patched and cleaned up to work with the newest GCC toolchains?  Should GPC become a translator, accepting pascal code and emitting C++?