Hi all
I have just put a copy of the latest incarnation of GPCC (a Borland-Pascal compatibility compiler front end for GPC) on :
Please download for testing and please report all bugs, problems and suggestions to me. This is eventually going to be released as part of the main GPC distribution, so your input will be appreciated at this stage.
The main goal of GPCC is to implement some of the main features of the Borland Pascal command line compilers (TPC and BPC), under GPC, by;
[a] supporting some of the Borland compiler options and switches [b] reading options and switches from a configuration text file (named by default in the Borland style with a ".cfg" extension) [c] attempting to identify from a basic parsing of the first few lines of a source file whether the source file is a UNIT/MODULE or PROGRAM/UNIT, and supplying appropriate parameters to the linker [d] looking (if no extension is supplied for a filename) for the file, with the following extensions, and in the following order; [a] ".pas" [b] ".p" [c] ".pp" [d] ".dpr"
This is really meant to assist those coming to GPC from a BP/TP or Delphi background. It is *not* designed to replace "make" or such tools which unix and linux gurus are accustomed to. The real object is to reduce the numerous GPC compiler switches into something accessible to BP/TP/Delphi people. Therefore it will never do anything really complicated or clever. Please bear these points in mind when making comments or suggestions.
One of the main things I am looking to comments about on is whether I have correctly interpreted the BP parameters in converting them to GPC parameters. I do not have a definitive list (with full explanations/descriptions) of all the GPC compiler and linker parameters, so if there are gaps in my implementation, please supply the necessary information to do it correctly.
Best regards, The Chief -------- Dr. Abimbola A. Olowofoyeku (The African Chief) Email: laa12@keele.ac.uk Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/African_Chief/ Author of: Chief's Installer Pro v5.10 for Win32 ftp://ftp.demon.co.uk/pub/ibmpc/win95/apps/chief32/chief510.zip