Hello, world!
This is an announcement of a new library for GNU Pascal:
It is only a pre-alpha release (version 0.01), but it should
give you
- some Borland-like tools such as Assign, FillChar, ParamStr,
GetEnv, Random,
- direct keyboard access via KeyPressed and ReadKey function,
- direct screen access with colors.
You need turbo-1.1-gpc-2.6.3 (i.e. the first bug fix for the
GPC with Borland extensions, released together with BO5 on
19. December 1995) to compile BO5.
BO5 is intended to run on *all* platforms on which GPC runs.
If not, or if you have some other comment/suggestion/bug report,
please write to
If your comment is of general interest for all GPC users, you
should better write to the gpc-list
I have uploaded BO5 to kampi.hut.fi and to ftp.uni-augsburg.de.
In Augsburg, it can already be downloaded from
For more information, please read the files README.BO5 and
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!