I think "collect2" should honor all of the "where to find compiler components" switches fed to GPC.
I think it would be helpful if GPC defaulted to acting as if it were run with "-B <directory containing gpc>" (unless the user provides a "-B" switch).
The "collect2" in the binary distribution of gpc-2007-09-04 for Windows doesn't seem to make any effort to locate the "ld" it runs -- if there is no "ld" in the PATH, it prints
ld-orig: No such file or directory
I have been running GPC without putting GPC\bin in my PATH. It has been working. Then I discovered that when I installed Free Pascal, it took the liberty of updating my system-wide PATH. When I removed it from my PATH, running GPC\bin\gpc resulted in
gpc: installation problem, cannot exec `as': No such file or directory
Adding "-B GPC\bin" solves that, but has no effect on "collect2" finding "ld".