Hello Tom,
If ever you consider a port to an another language, I suggest Ada.
Ada is issued from Pascal with strong type checking and more.
It is an ISO standard.
I port all my Pascal programs to Ada since 2000 and I'm very happy with it.
I used P2Ada: http://p2ada.sourceforge.net.
I have some exemples on my web site (in French).
Feel free to ask questions if you are interested in.
Regards, Pascal.
> Le 27 janv. 2016 à 22:08, gpc-request(a)gnu.de a écrit :
> Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2016 14:11:59 -0500
> From: Schneider <schneidt(a)mail.nih.gov>
> To: <samiam(a)moorecad.com>
> Cc: gpc(a)gnu.de
> Subject: Re: GPC compile on Mac OS X 10.10.5?
> Message-ID: <20160127191159.GA73206(a)FR-W-C132678.ncifcrf.gov>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Scott:
>> What was wrong with getting a p2c translation (just curious). You
>> only have to do the translation once, then you code in C after that.
> I'm used to programming in Pascal, not C. Also, it's safer because of
> the type checking. If I switched I could never go back.
>> I used p2c (I assume we are talking about the same one). Its a very
>> picky tool that crashes when you look at it funny, but I was able to
>> get satisfactory results.
> You are right about looking at it funny! One kind of bug(?) is that
> it changes how it handles i/o for the input file in the middle of the
> code. I haven't determined why but fortunately it's a rare problem.
> Tom
> Thomas D. Schneider, Ph.D.
> Senior Investigator
> National Institutes of Health
> National Cancer Institute
> Center for Cancer Research
> Gene Regulation and Chromosome Biology Laboratory
> Molecular Information Theory Group
> Frederick, Maryland 21702-1201
> schneidt(a)mail.nih.gov
> https://schneider.ncifcrf.gov (current link)
> https://alum.mit.edu/www/toms (permanent link)