Hello !
I'm very sorry for my last e-mail concerning this subject ! I had a little
error with my mail-system
> I don't speak Dutch, what do you mean bis den?
It has nothing to do with Dutch. It's German for 'Good bye' !
My mailer simply sent only the signature file (as you see, it is not inter-
national, I'll change this) and forgot the Body of my mail. Ok, I'll try it
once again :
program file_test;
var f : TEXT; { same as FILE OF CHAR, I think }
assign(f,'filename'); { connect virtual f to physical file on disk }
rewrite(f); { CREATE f or overwrite an old file with the same name as f }
writeln(f,'This is a test-string'); { insert 'This..' in f and append CR }
close(f); { write virtual f into 'filename' on disk and close file }
If you want to access a file, which already exists use reset(f) instead of
Hope it is helpful...
e-mail > chris(a)bockermann.ping.de
(subject "send pgp-key" for pgp-key)