>Those are registry entries. Delphi compiles this code into an OLE
>control which is uniquely identified by this ID.
They aren't registry entries...they just have the same format..i.e. 128 bit
unique numbers
It's NOT just for the generation of OLE controls which I agree is highly
platform specific...
Interfaces just allow you to expose the many faces of a binary(not source)
object and do it in an easy to program fashion....It's all possible with
GPC as it stands it just take 3 times as long.
D/COM is growing in platform support(Win, Mac UNIX) (you could support it
on an embedded system eventually) but it's not the only use of
interfaces...you could use them to write your own OOP OS if you wanted,
using nothing more than the defintion of IUnknown...
>Anyway, all of this is Windoze-only code.
Absolutely not. It's the first/only genuinely good & platform independant
idea to come out of MS..make you wonder who they stole it from....
>Considering the platform-independant spirit of GPC, this is *not* the way
>to go, IMHO.
Perhaps it's not. There aren't that many folk using this kind of stuff yet
for anything other than Windows but that's because they haven't twigged
Dave Fiddes, CALM Software Production Officer
Department of Mathematics, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
email D.J.Fiddes(a)hw.ac.uk - Tel: 0131-451-3251