Hi all,
I just thought we ought to get some definitions out of the way regarding Delphi.
1) Delphi
Development tool IDE) and compiler/linker/interactive debugger.
Strictly NOT platform independant. Only implemented OS (if you could call
it that :^) is the group of Windows OSs. (Although I did read that there is
an IBM AS400 version of Delphi (hmmm... interesting!))
2) Object Pascal
A superset of Borland Pascal. The language that is compiled by the
Delphi compiler. Through the utilization of the VCL, the Delphi IDE is
partialy built on Delphi. This version of pascal is not standard but seems
to be an extension of ISO 7185.
3) VCL (Visual Component Library)
Library that is both linkable into an executable and dynamicaly used
by the Delphi IDE. It is written in Object Pascal.
If anyone is interested, I could go a bit further and elaborate, but alas, I
am behind on my ncurses/GPC programming!
Ken L.