Hi all. At first, excuse me for my maybe lame and stupid question, but
as mentioned above, i'm only beginner in DJGPP, but i'm fascinated by
this software, and i would like to solve my problem...
OK, let describe the problem:
I've been downloaded following zips from djgpp:
csdpmi4b CWSDPMI binary distribution (release 4)
djdev201 Development Kit and Runtime
bnu281b GNU binutils 2.8.1 for DJGPP V2 (binaries and docs)
gdb416b GNU Debugger 4.16 for DJGPP V2
gpc20b GNU Pascal 2.0 for DJGPP V2
gpp281b.zip GNU C++ compiler version 2.8.1 (binaries), needs gcc281b.zip !!
txi390b GNU texinfo 3.9 for DJGPP V2
I unpacked above files into previously created c:\djgpp directory,
preserving directory structure.
And this is what happened, when i run gpc:
C:\DJGPP\TEST\STANDARD>gpc hello.pas
Exiting due to signal SIGSEGV
Stack Fault at eip=00118156
eax=00000000 ebx=00001008 ecx=00001008 edx=001900ef esi=00000054 edi=00000000
ebp=00000000 esp=133cb893 program=c:\djgpp\bin\GPC.EXE
cs: sel=00e7 base=10080000 limit=0018ffff
ds: sel=00ef base=10080000 limit=0018ffff
es: sel=00ef base=10080000 limit=0018ffff
fs: sel=00cf base=00036340 limit=0000ffff
gs: sel=0000
ss: sel=00ef base=10080000 limit=0018ffff
General Protection Fault at eip=3e82; flags=3006
eax=00000300 ebx=00000021 ecx=00000000 edx=0000000f esi=00060140 edi=0005eb50
ebp=0005e9ec esp=00002566 cs=18 ds=33 es=b7 fs=8f gs=bf ss=20 error=00ac
And this is my autoexec.bat and config.sys:
@echo off
verify on
set djgpp=c:\djgpp\djgpp.env
set path=%path%;c:\djgpp\bin
set tmp =c:\dos\temp
At this point, i tried to find problem solve in the general djgpp faq,
and i tried using stubedit.exe on the gpc.exe: i changed original "min
stack limit=0x40000" to "stacklimit=0x80000", but without effects.
So my next step was to prepair this e-mail - maybe too early,
sorry..., but it's my last possibility.
So, if anybody can help, i'll be grateful... Please help!!!
_Important_: Please reply or CCopy your replies to my e-mail - i'm
not subscriber of gpc mailing list (no time and account space:-)).
Thanks in advance.
Greetings, Grzegorz Zlotowicz From Walbrzych in Poland...
Send-reply-to: grzezlo(a)wanet.pl.