Maurice, Adam, and others,
Thanks for the pointers. I'll check out the DJGPP translator.
For the record, I'm currently working on windows machines, though the parallel
machine I'm working towards is linux-based.
> Toby Ewing wrote:
> > I need to translate some lovely Pascal code into C. Not my choice, but
> > I need to run it on a parallel supercomputer that can handle C but not
> > Pascal...
> >
> > I'm looking for a translator. I downloaded ptoc, but it crashes on the
> > first type declaration. I've heard of a p2c package, but haven't been
> > able to find it. I'm a C novice, or I'd try doing it all by hand. Any
> > suggestions?
> "p2c" David Gillespies Pascal to C translator Version 1.02
> has been ported to DJGPP V2.02
> It is availabe from the Simtel Mirrors
> v2gnu/ Sources (going to %DJDIR%/gnu/p2c-120)
> v2gnu/ Binaries
> <Sigh> (never tried)
> Maurice
> --
> Maurice Lombardi
> Laboratoire de Spectrometrie Physique,
> Universite Joseph Fourier de Grenoble, BP87
> 38402 Saint Martin d'Heres Cedex FRANCE
> Tel: 33 (0)4 76 51 47 51
> Fax: 33 (0)4 76 51 45 44