Andrew McCall was looking for a random number generator.
I use this bit of code which I like because it is integer based and so gives
the same answers on different machines. I think it originally came from
Numerical Recipes in Pascal:
VAR { These need to be global / static }
random_seed : INTEGER; { General purpose random seed }
random_source : ARRAY [0..15] OF INTEGER:=
{ 16 integers used by randgen to construct pseudo-random
numbers }
FUNCTION randgen( VAR random_seed : INTEGER ): DOUBLE;
i, x : integer;
IF random_seed < 0 THEN { Setup seed array }
random_seed:= -random_seed;
FOR i:= 0 TO 15 DO
random_seed:= (UINT(random_seed)*2416 + 374441) MOD
random_source[i]:= TRUNC(random_seed*0.5643738);
x:= random_source[15]+random_source[0];
x:= x MOD 1000000;
FOR i:= 0 TO 14 DO random_source[i]:= random_source[i+1];
random_source[15]:= x;
randgen:= x*0.000001;
It's actually two random number generators in one! If you call it first
with a negative integer random seed it sets up the array of 16 integers (in
random source). These are used to generate the random number between 0 and
1 to 6 decimal places. This is a non-repeating sequence of 1 million random
numbers. It also returns a new positive random seed which can be negated
later on and used to generate another different non-repeating sequence of 1
million random numbers.
David Wood
QinetiQ, Farnborough, Hants
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