Frank wrote:
>As you probably know, GPC currently converts all identifiers to
>first letter upper-case/rest lower-case. Since this is often not
>nice, I plan to change this. This would affect at least the
>following things:
It is not clear to me what change you propose.
You probably mean (because this is easiest to implement) to
(optionally?) drop the conversion altogether and consequently have
case-sensitive identifiers. This is contrary to Pascal standards, but
has some advantages in the C/Unix-dominated tool world.
Of course, I would NOT recommend
program Example1;
MixedCase: Integer;
mixedCase: Real;
ALTERNATIVELY, it might be possible to convert all occurences
of the same identifier (modulo case) to the casing found on the
defining occurrence. Thus
program Example2;
MixedCase: Integer;
readln ( mixedCase )
; writeln ( mixedcase )
would work properly and all external handling would be via the
identifier MixedCase.
This also seems easy to implement (at the expense of a slightly more
expense compare for lookup) and more in line with Pascal:
When creating a symbol-table entry you store the casing as found.
When looking up a name you compare names modulo case (e.g.
convert both comparands to lower case), when you get a hit
you use the actual casing found in the symbol table.
This makes Example1 illegal and makes Example2 work as expected.
>While I'm at it, it might be easy to add a warning if an identifier
>is used with varying case (something like `var Foo: Integer; [...]
>WriteLn (FOO)').
Such an option would be quite helpful, even if you do not make
changes to the case handling.
>- Any ideas for the name of the option? (`-Widentifier-case'?)
Seems fine.
>- Default? (I suppose off, though I think I myself would prefer on.)
I would prefer on, because we have come to know that case variations
of the same identifier are confusing.
>- Should it work across units/modules? Or should it be a tri-state
> option (never/current file/global)?
Across units/modules would be best, but I can imagine that with
legacy code it might be helpful to restrict the scope of the