Frank Heckenbach replied:
> > >>are particular Pascal structures that shouldn't be zeroed by this
> > >>technique (apart from dynamic arrays)?
> >
> > Any kind of schemata, which include dynamic arrays ans strings
> Also files and objects.
> There is a built-in procedure `Initialize' to (re-)initialize any
> variable, so you could theoretically zero out everything, then
> initialize it again, but I'm not sure if I should have mentioned
> this. ;-) In any case, you'll do some extra work (init, zero, init
> again) ...
> But I agree, in this case I'd recommend a `for' loop, too.
> PROCEDURE zero(VAR param; ch : char; size : longint); asmname 'memset';
> NEW( Test1, a );
> writeln(sizeof(Test1^));
> zero(Test1^,#0,sizeof(Test1^));
> END.
OK - that's helpful. My example was trivial, but in practice I'm trying to
zero very large arrays of large records which I very time consuming with
loops and type-matched assignments.
So I do
new(anyvar,x, y);
.. and because initialize is a built-in, it doesn't need any declaring.
BUT ... when I run with electric-fence I get a SIGSEGV in memset.
Doing some experimentation, it appears that each dynamic array dimension
uses an extra 4 words. So if I amend my zero function call as follows ...
... the problem goes away. In this case, the Initialize() call doesn't seem
to make any difference.
Am I right in assuming that the dynamic array sizing is tacked on the end of
the storage so deducting 4 words per dimension is the right approach?
Is Initialize() only required after I've zeroed a string or a record
containing a string?
Finally, given that Initialize can very usefully take any variable as a
parameter, it's a shame that it doesn't actually do the zeroing. Is there
another built-in I haven't spotted that will do this without be having to
explicitly worry about the number of dimensions the dynamic arrays have?
David Wood,
QinetiQ Farnborough.
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