From: Scott A. Moore
A minor "it would be nice" request for you all.
I have been working on personally certifying the compliance
of several ISO 7185 compilers this last week. You all are
no doubt aware that the ISO 7185 specifies header parameters
such as:
program test(input, output, file1, file2);
Although ISO 7185 does not specify the mechanisim, most
implementors have given a means to connect the header parameter
files to external, named files, including the original Wirth
implementation of Pascal on the CDC 6000 computer. GPC does
this as well. Here is a roundup of the compilers that I have
either tested or have seen the results of testing on:
1. Irie Pascal, header parameters are automatically connected
to command line parameters in order of appearance, I.e.,
program test(input, output, file1, file2);
appear on the command line:
> ivm test thisfile thatfile
2. Compaq Pascal, header parameters can be connected to
files by special command line syntax:
> test $input=thisfile $output=thatfile
3. CDC 6000 Pascal (Wirths original), the command parameters
are specified in a SCOPE operating system statement:
4. GPC, each unfufilled program parameter is prompted for:
> test
Input file `File1': thisfile
Input file `File2': thatfile
5. IP Pascal, header parameters are automatically connected
to command line parameters in order of appearance, I.e.,
program test(input, output, file1, file2);
appear on the command line:
> test thisfile thatfile
The ISO 7185 method of specifying program parameters is not
much use without the (standard undefined) means of connecting
them to outside parameters, so this is good.
However, I also note that GPC does not provide a means to
automatically connect these files, but requires operator
intervention to do this. I wonder if I could talk you guys
into implementing a slight enhancement to GPC, that is
completely compatible with your present methodology ?
The method of connecting program parameters to command line
parameters is attractive. The FPC authors have expressed an
interest in implementing it.
For GPC, to keep compatibility with your present methods,
I would suggest:
If a program parameter file is present, and it can also
be determined that a command line argument exists for it,
then get that from the command line instead of prompting
the user. This continues for as many parameters as exist
in the program header.
The command line parameters (argv/argc) can either be
reduced at the left to remove the program parameters used
as filenames, or the command line can be left alone.
There are arguments for each method.
Anyways, this would serve to further unify the operation
methodologies of existing (and popular) ISO 7185 compilers,
which is, I am happy to say, a growing club.
Thank you for the consideration.