> Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2005 14:14:18 +0100 (CET)
> From: Waldek Hebisch <hebisch(a)math.uni.wroc.pl>
> You missed an important information. If I type (with `eof.pas' beeing
> your file):
> ../gpc-3.4.3/gcc/xgpc -B../gpc-3.4.3/gcc/ -O -ftransparent-file-names -fstandard-pascal eof.pas
> ./a.out
> I get:
> NOT eof of namebook
> NOT eof of namelist
> However, if I type:
> ../gpc-3.4.3/gcc/xgpc -B../gpc-3.4.3/gcc/ -O --transparent-file-names eof.pas
> ./a.out
> I get:
> eof of namebook
> eof of namelist
> Both with my (modified) copy of gpc-20041218 on Linux. Yes, standard requires
> that you get EOF on empty file.
Thanks for clarifying the standard for me.
I'm using --transparent-file-names and with that get NOT eof.
I hope that clarifies the issue for you.