Any body here has a copy ?
-------- Message d'origine --------
Sujet: Re: source code formatting
Date: Sat, 11 Jun 2005 15:40:29 +0100
De: Maurice Lombardi <Maurice.Lombardi(a)>
A: eng(a)
Références: <8C73C552CB889D8-BD4-B903(a)>
Rick Engebretson a écrit:
> mingeborg(a) wrote:
>> We have a large GPC application with inconsistent source code
>> formatting - unpredictable indentation, several statements on one
>> line, etc.
>> Is there a quick and easy way to fix this? For instance, can any of
>> the available GUI interfaces be used to reformat the code?
There has been a formatting program pindent written by Peter Gerwinskii.
But the goc mailing list and archives are down.
Maurice Lombardi
Laboratoire de Spectrometrie Physique,
Universite Joseph Fourier de Grenoble, BP87
38402 Saint Martin d'Heres Cedex FRANCE
Tel: 33 (0)4 76 51 47 51
Fax: 33 (0)4 76 63 54 95
Maurice Lombardi
Laboratoire de Spectrometrie Physique,
Universite Joseph Fourier de Grenoble, BP87
38402 Saint Martin d'Heres Cedex FRANCE
Tel: 33 (0)4 76 51 47 51
Fax: 33 (0)4 76 63 54 95