Well, the truth is, I need this source, but I am not going to use it. As you may have read in my previous posts, I am porting from an old compiler/platform. 1 1/2 years ago when this port was being looked at, my boss modified the compiler that was current then (the source that I am inquiring about). But now he can't remember what he changed in the compiler, I think he may have just commented some of the reserved words out so we won't have problems because some of our 1000s of variables are reserved words (xor is one example). Anyway, I need to take the source he changed and diff it with the original source so I can see what he changed and hopefully get going on this project again.
Just thought I'd give a little explanation :)
-----Original Message----- From: Peter Gerwinski [mailto:peter@gerwinski.de] Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 5:03 PM To: 'gpc@gnu.de' Subject: Re: Does anyone have . . .
Oldham, Adam wrote:
If anyone has the source for gpc verson 19990118 could you please send it
me, I do not see it on the ftp server.
It's in ftp://agnes.dida.physik.uni-essen.de/gnu-pascal/beta/. But are you sure that you do not want the current source instead? If you are using gpc-19990118 now, it might be that the current GPC solves a big part of the problems you currently encounter.
Hope this helps,