I am trying to compile an old pascal code with gpc. There was a problem with the autolinker, symbols collided between ncurses and grx (I think) ,so I removed it and build a command line manually in a makefile. I turned off the graphics and everything worked fine, it compiled linked and produced the desired output. Now I am trying to turn the graphics on again. The problem is that the linker complains that the following symbols could not be found.
So I edited the graph unit and replaced the references to these symbols by impleamantations that do nothing. No everything compiles again, a graphics window appears, but nothing is drawn into it.
Here is my compile and link command line:
c:\dev_gpc\bin\gpc c:\dev_gpc\examples\gbr\brichten.pas -oc:\dev_gpc\examples\gbr\richt.exe -lgrx20 c:\dev_gpc\units/graph.o -lgrx20 -lgdi32 c:\dev_gpc\units/dos.o c:\dev_gpc\units/grx.o c:\dev_gpc\units/gpc.o c:\dev_gpc\units/system.o c:\dev_gpc\units/mathe.o c:\dev_gpc\units/crt.o c:\dev_gpc\units/crtc.o -lpanel -lpdcurses c:\dev_gpc\units/math_nst.o c:\dev_gpc\units/br_var1.o c:\dev_gpc\units/br_var2.o c:\dev_gpc\units/br_proz.o c:\dev_gpc\units/br_plan.o c:\dev_gpc\units/geometri.o c:\dev_gpc\units/br_bili.o c:\dev_gpc\units/br_dio.o c:\dev_gpc\units/br_ko_g.o c:\dev_gpc\units/grafikpl.o -fno-inline -s -fno-io-checking -fno-range-checking -fimplicit-result -O1 -Wno-warnings -fno-assertions -fextended-syntax -fignore-function-results -fcstrings-as-strings -fpointer-arithmetic -march=i486 --no-autolink --no-automake -funit-path=c:\dev_gpc\units;c:\dev_gpc\examples\GBR\UNIT -funit-destination-path=c:\dev_gpc\units -Bc:\dev_gpc\lib\ -Bc:\dev_gpc\lib\gcc\mingw32\3.4.5\ -funit-path=C:\dev_gpc\examples\GBR\INC;C:\dev_gpc\examples\GBR\UNIT --no-autolink -LC:\dev_gpc\lib
Note that -lgrx20 is given and that -no-autolink is given.
I also analyed libgrx20.a with nm. It told me that a symbol. `_setlinestyle' does existis. But replacing `setlinestyle' with `_setlinestyle' in the graph library caused the linker to complain that the symbol `_setlinestyle' was not resolved.
So my basic question is how can I turn on the graphics.
Yours Dirk
Hünniger a écrit:
I am trying to compile an old pascal code with gpc. There was a problem with the autolinker, symbols collided between ncurses and grx (I think) ,so I removed it and build a command line manually in a makefile. I turned off the graphics and everything worked fine, it compiled linked and produced the desired output. Now I am trying to turn the graphics on again.
I had the same problem long time ago. The only conflict was with the functions getmaxx and getmaxy of the bgi subsystem, which you do not use. So either compile grx without bgi support (there is an option in makedefs.grx) or apply the attached patch to grx248s which solves more cleanly the problem by repacing getmaxx, getmaxy by getmaxX, getmaxY in grx/bgi (at the C and linker levels, pascal is case insensitive). You can then compile everything cleanly as usual with automake.