According to Paolo M. Pumilia:
Hi pascal-experts, I would like to put the essential files of gpc for dos on a single floppy disk. Is it possible? Which files to pick up?
For what system?
On a generic UNIX system, type `make pascal.bindist' after having compiled GPC. This will create a binary distribution `.tar.gz' archive with all the essential files of GPC.
On DOS or OS/2 with DJGPP or EMX, the binary distribution of the Pascal compiler itself fits on a single floppy. However, you also need the DJGPP or EMX development environment. If you already have that installed - fine, then the GPC binary distribution fits your needs. Otherwise you will need 6-10 floppies to carry all important development tools. (See the GPC FAQ list and the DJGPP FAQ list for information which parts are needed for Pascal.)
Hope this helps,
Peter -- Peter Gerwinski, Essen, Germany, free physicist and programmer Maintainer GNU Pascal - http://home.pages.de/~GNU-Pascal/ - 1 Oct 1997 PGP key fingerprint: AC 6C 94 45 BE 28 A4 96 0E CC E9 12 47 25 82 75 Fight the SPAM! - http://maps.vix.com/