After many years of using Borland Pascal (latest 7.0) under MSDOS, I now have SuSE Linux 7.1 and with it gpc.
I have been able to run a few simple Pascal test programmes.
Please can anyone tell me how to obtain the equivalent of the Turbo Units crt, and printer ? I guess that if they exist they will be enshrined in the C language.
I need to be able to clear a display screen or window, and also to send formatted output to my printer.
Geoff Bagley wrote:
After many years of using Borland Pascal (latest 7.0) under MSDOS, I now have SuSE Linux 7.1 and with it gpc.
I have been able to run a few simple Pascal test programmes.
Please can anyone tell me how to obtain the equivalent of the Turbo Units crt, and printer ? I guess that if they exist they will be enshrined in the C language.
just put
uses crt, printer;
at the beginning of your program. These are highly compatible with BP, and you have much more: look to the interface unit /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/<system>/2.952/crt.pas (and printer.pas) Don't forget to compile with --automake or --autobuild option. Hope this help