To whom it may concern, I want to contribute my SVGA graphic library for the development of GNU Pascal. Anyone interested ?
It has been made since 1996. Limitation : it will only run on Intel processors, since some functions were made with assembly.
You can download the files from, but the version there was outdated. But it's still good. It works much better than Borland BGI engine, without requiring any BGI drivers at all. The compiled executable size is also smaller than that of Borland's with its BGI.
It support up to High Color 1024x768
Please e-mail me if you're interested. I'll distribute the FULL source code, with, of course, new license.
Hi, Prana!
I want to contribute my SVGA graphic library for the development of GNU Pascal. Anyone interested ?
Of course contributions are always welcome. :)
However we already have a graphics library (GRX) that can work with plain VGA (under DOS), SVGAlib, X11, and (in beta stage) the Win32 API ...
It has been made since 1996. Limitation : it will only run on Intel processors, since some functions were made with assembly.
This is a problem since GNU Pascal runs everywhere and not only on Intel machines, and we want all programs compiled with GPC give the chance to be portable as well.
You can download the files from, but the version there was outdated.
Hmm ... what I get is:
[404] Error - File Not Found _____________________________________________________________________________________
The file that you were trying to access cannot be found on this server.
Please e-mail me if you're interested. I'll distribute the FULL source code, with, of course, new license.
While serious contributions are always welcome, I am not sure what we can do with your graphics library. If you really want to contribute to the GNU Pascal project, please check out what we already have ( and reconsider what new stuff you can contribute with your library. Maybe there is something that should be added to our existing library ...
Hope this does not discourage a promising contributor, ;-)