According to David Wooff:
Greetings, fellow GPC users. Despite trying the solutions suggested in the faq (, I'm no nearer to getting an environment variable successfully into my program. For example, suppose I want to get the PATH environment variable into the program as a string that I can then work on?
That's strange. When I try the program `EnvDemo' from the FAQ, it works fine on my Linux box. (The code I used is appended below just to make sure that we are speaking about the same program.)
I suggest the following strategy to hunt the bug:
* Control all intermediate results, e.g. p^ in StrPCopy and Src^ in StrPas.
* Use the C `puts' output routine to check C strings:
Procedure Puts ( S: CString ); C; ... Puts ( pName ); Puts ( GetEnv ( pName ) );
BTW, thanks a lot for the GPC success story. Things like this encourage us to go on and fix the remaining bugs (e.g. `substr'). :-) :-)
e-mail: home address: D"usseldorfer Str. 35, 45145 Essen, Germany WWW:
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Program EnvDemo;
type word = __unsigned__ integer; TString = string(256); { Pascal string schema } CString = __cstring__; { C style string }
{ Convert a "C" string to a "Pascal" string } function StrPas(Src: CString): TString; var S : TString; begin S := ''; if (Src <> NIL) then while ( (Src^ <> chr(0)) AND (length(S) < S.capacity)) do begin S := S + Src^; inc(Word(Src)); end; StrPas := S; end;
{ Convert a "Pascal" string to a "C" string } function StrPCopy(Dest: CString; Src: String): CString; var c: integer; p : CString; begin p := Dest; for c:=1 to length(Src) do begin p^ := Src[c]; inc(word(p)); end; p^ := chr(0); StrPCopy := Dest; end;
{ C library function prototype: char *getenv(const char *name); } function GetEnv(name : CString): CString; C;
var pName: CString;
begin getmem(pName, 256);
pName := StrPCopy(pName, 'PATH'); writeln('Your PATH is: ', StrPas(GetEnv(pName)));
freemem(pName, 256); end.