Hi guys!
I recently became aware of your project. Is GPC currently being developed? The last "stable" release was two years ago. Are Delphi classes and exceptions going to become a reality anytime soon? I wouldn't mind working with some pre-stable code if they are. If they aren't what are the GPC alternatives?
THX - Jon
Hi Jon!
I recently became aware of your project. Is GPC currently being developed? Are Delphi classes and exceptions going to become a reality anytime soon? I wouldn't mind working with some pre-stable code if they are. If they aren't what are the GPC alternatives?
GPC is being developed, alive and well. :-) Delphi classes have been planned for quite a while now, but I don't know to what point they are implemented so far. However, GPC has Borland-Pascal style objects with a few extensions.
As for exceptions, I'm currently working on a standard class library for GPC that provides, among other things, exception handling. It is work in progress, without documentation etc., but I hope my demo sources are readable enough to give you a start. You can download the library from http://www.markus.gerwinski.de/gnualp/.
Of course I wasn't able to implement a real try..except syntax in my units, but I tried to make my API functions look as close as possible. If you give it a shot, let me know how it's going. :-)
Jon Foster wrote:
Hi guys!
I recently became aware of your project. Is GPC currently being developed? The last "stable" release was two years ago. Are Delphi classes and exceptions going to become a reality anytime soon? I wouldn't mind working with some pre-stable code if they are. If they aren't what are the GPC alternatives?
GPC is actively developed. The last development release is gpc-test-20041017. You may find it at:
For the list of features implemented since the last stable release look at:
For the list of fixed bugs:
Delphi compatibilty features are on wish list, but other features got higher priority. I had looked at Delphi classes and they should be easy to add. However, if you want to port Delphi code unchanged to GNU Pascal, then you need much more features (AnsiString, exceptions, ...). Exceptions are highly wanted, and may be easy to implement since the compiler already contains most of the support (other languages in GCC already have exceptions). Still, to plug into existing exception support requires gathering information about backend, and that may take long time.
Bottom line: do not bet that Delphi classes and exceptions will be quickly added to GPC (but also do not bet the opposite).
If you really look at plag-in Delphi replacement then Free Pascal (FPC) is much closer to Delphi then GPC.