Hello pascal gurus,
I want to declare a complex constant in gpc like the following, non working example:
const I : complex = (0.0, 1.0);
I have not found any example how to do this in the list archive or in the manual.
Another question concerning the same subject: Is there a possibility to assign real values only to the real or imaginary parts of a variable especially to a function return value like in the following non working, sensless example:
function add(a,b: complex):complex; begin add.re := re(a) + re(b); add.im := im(a) + im(b); end;
Any Idea? Many thanks in advance.
Gerhard Zintel
Faurecia Abgastechnik GmbH Abt.: EGA Tel.: +49 911 7610176 Fax.: +49 911 7610350 e-mail: GZintel@Stadeln.Faurecia.com
On 12 Oct 2001, at 14:48, ZINTEL Gerhard wrote:
I want to declare a complex constant in gpc like the following, non working example:
const I : complex = (0.0, 1.0);
You can declare this in Extended Pascal:
const I = cmplx (0.0, 1.0);
I have not found any example how to do this in the list archive or in the manual.
The page titled "Complex Number Operations" in the GPC manual gives an example of the "cmplx" function.
Is there a possibility to assign real values only to the real or imaginary parts of a variable especially to a function return value like in the following non working, sensless example:
function add(a,b: complex):complex; begin add.re := re(a) + re(b); add.im := im(a) + im(b); end;
Again in Extended Pascal:
function add (a, b: complex): complex; begin add := cmplx (re (a) + re (b), im (a) + im (b)) end;
-- Dave