I've just installed gpc, the associated Pascal interfaces and the Xcode software on my Intel Mac. I've configured Xcode in the way suggested and just tried to compile one of the sample programs. It compiles ok but falls over with this error:
Building target “Debug” of project “SillyBalls” with configuration “Default” — (1 error)
[lots of stuff deleted]
1.1/Examples/GUI Examples/SillyBalls/build/Debug/Objects/ -I . -I / Developer/Pascal/gpc345u2/lib/gcc/i386-apple-darwin8/3.4.5/units -I / Developer/Pascal/GPC Xcode Kit 1.1/Examples/GUI Examples/SillyBalls/ Sources/ --unit-path=/Developer/Pascal/GPC Xcode Kit 1.1/Examples/GUI Examples/SillyBalls/Sources/ -E -H /Developer/Pascal/GPC Xcode Kit 1.1/Examples/GUI Examples/SillyBalls/Sources/MainProgram.pas gpc1: error: invalid option `dynamic-no-pic' make: *** [compile_tool] Error 1 make: *** [compile_tool] Error 1 make: *** [compile_tool] Error 1 make: *** [compile_tool] Error 1 make: *** [compile_tool] Error 1 make: *** [compile_tool] Error 1 make: *** [compile_tool] Error 1 make: *** [compile_tool] Error 1 make: *** [compile_tool] Error 1 make: *** [compile_tool] Error 1 make: *** [compile_tool] Error 1 make: *** [compile_tool] Error 1 Build failed (1 error)
Can anyone more knowledgeable than me (that would be most people!) suggest what I might need to do? Sorry to be a pain, I know the answer is probably obvious to everyone on this group but this is my first step into programming a Mac (or using a unix-like environment).
Thanks in advance,
Graham Carter
Graham Carter wrote:
Examples/SillyBalls/Sources/MainProgram.pas gpc1: error: invalid option `dynamic-no-pic'
I still have to update the GPC Xcode Kit, but you can apply the following change to make it work. For IntelMac, please double-click on the "Debug" Target. Then, in the Build Settings pane, change
GPC_CODESTYLE = -mdynamic-no-pic
The -mdynamic-no-pic option is not (yet) supported for IntelMac. Same procedure for the "Deploy" Target.
The best place to ask Xcode specific questions is really the MacPascal mailing list http://www.pascal-central.com/maillist.html.
Adriaan van Os