Dear Peter G.
Thank you for your very useful help. I apolagize about my constant questions but I feel like someone in the desert searching for water. All my actual problems are with accessing files. The description of my file is the following:
type tf1 = record preco : integer; idade : integer; titulo : string[90]; end;
var r1 : tf1; f1 : file[1..1000] of tf1;
Now i'm using the following routine to assign a types file:
Procedure FAssign ( Var somefile; Name: String ); Var t : bindable text absolute somefile; b : bindingtype; begin unbind(t); b:=binding(t);; bind(t,b); b:=binding(t); end;
This code was gaved by you and I think it is working properlly. After assigning the file I'm doing :
reset(f1); while not eof(f1) do begin seekread(f1,n); (n is integer); end;
After the seekread I want to read one record to the variable r1 of type tf1. What function do I use to do this. I know that GPC contains a get procedure but the only parametres that it accepts if the file variable.
Can you help me once more ? Please !
Best regards
Joao Miguel Domingos