Well, I'm sorry to hear it! <g>
I guess I've been lucky then, as I can only recall about two or three such occurrences over the past couple of years, on a variety of lists.
So, the moral of the story is: if your e-mail system is "dumb", make sure to "suspend" (or whatever you call it) your lists before enabling an automated "vacation response"!
Anyway, thanks to Peter and Frank for providing this "Reply-To" option - it's marvellous, wonderful, great, fantastic!!!
-----Original Message----- From: Martin Liddle [SMTP:martin@tcs02.demon.co.uk] Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2001 9:22 PM To: gpc@gnu.de Subject: Re: `Reply-To' (solution)
In article 01FD6EC775C6D4119CDF0090273F74A455A838@emwatent02.meters.com.au, "da Silva, Joe" Joe.daSilva@emailmetering.com writes
Most e-mail systems, I'm told, know not to send "vacation" responses to mailing lists. So in most cases, this won't be a problem (eg. how
has anyone seen such a response message on a mailing list?).
Lost and lots and lots of times :-(
Martin Liddle, Tynemouth Computer Services, 27 Garforth Close, Cramlington, Northumberland, England, NE23 6EW. Phone: 01670-712624. Fax: 01670-717324. Web site: http://www.tynecomp.co.uk.