Hi everyone!
I've got a few more bugs:
1. For loops with chars don't seem to work:
PROGRAM p; VAR c:Char; BEGIN c:='A'; {OK} c:='Z'; {OK} FOR c:='A' TO 'Z' DO {"incompatible types in assignment"} END.
2. Under DJGPP, program arguments don't work correctly, as the following program shows. Under Linux it seems to work ok. However, the problem seems to have something to do with Pascal, since gcc programs under DJGPP don't show the problem.
{Call the compiled program as "p longparam 2 3" or similar}
{From info/gpc.i7, slightly modified:} CONST Max_length = 255; { Max length of each argument. If some arg is longer, the run time system traps it. }
TYPE Arg_type = String(Max_length);
FUNCTION _p_paramcount : Integer; C; FUNCTION _p_paramstr (num: Integer; VAR str: String): Boolean; C;
FUNCTION ParamCount: Integer; BEGIN ParamCount := _p_paramcount; END; { ParamCount }
FUNCTION ParamStr (arg_num: integer): Arg_type;
VAR Str : Arg_type; Success : Boolean;
BEGIN Success := _p_paramstr (arg_num, Str);
(* Should perhaps do something else on failure. * * Now it returns the empty string, which is also a valid * parameter. *) IF Success THEN ParamStr := Str else ParamStr := ''; END; { ParamStr } {}
VAR a:Integer; BEGIN FOR a:=1 TO ParamCount DO Writeln(ParamStr(a)) END.
The result is something like: longparam[some other chars] 2ongparam[some other chars] 3ongparam[some other chars]
Obviously the length is not set correctly.