This is to announce the first public release of crystal. Crystal is a web based mailing list archive. It is still under development, and some planned interesting features are still missing, but it should run stable already and has been tested (on some private lists) for several months.
The main functionality of crystal is:
- Archive incoming mails and make them accessible by date, author, subject, thread, topic, etc.
- Do not require the archive to be updated regularly by a special command. Instead, each mail is visible as soon as it's received.
- Make attachments accessible.
- Provide a search function.
- Allow authenticated and anonymous access (as configured by the administrator).
- Let users send mails to the list via WWW (optionally anonymously).
- Provide user administration where users can change, add and remove email addresses and change their passwords and other settings via WWW (optionally).
- Can be configured either via config files or in the source.
Crystal is free software (GNU GPL) and was written for GNU Pascal.
More information and the sources for download can be found at