I have 2 questions, I tried looking in the GPC and DJGPP docs but couldn't find it..
1) Let's say I have a compiled routine with a .o extension, how can I link it with GPC in the same command-line?
2) How do I create a library?
Thanks in advance!
See ya! Orlando Llanes
"Meine Damen und Herren, Elvis hat soeben das Gebaeude verlassen!"
"Look out fo' flyeeng feet" O__/ a010111t@bc.seflin.org /|____. O <__. /> / \ ____________|_________ http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Monkey414
According to Orlando Llanes:
- Let's say I have a compiled routine with a .o extension, how can I link it with GPC in the same command-line?
`gpc foo.pas bar.o -o foo[.exe]'.
- How do I create a library?
See `info -f binutils -n ar'.
Hope this helps, ;-)