A short time ago, I said that there was a quirk in BP's SizeOf when it comes to variant records. I haven't tested it in GPC, tho I'm sure it works the same. But I digress, the point is that when I saw the CASE ... structure in other Pascal programs, it must've reported a bigger size because one of the field blocks was bigger than the rest. Hence my calling it a quirk, but as it turns out, it's not a quirk, so I will now go boot myself in the rear now :P
See ya! Orlando Llanes
"Hey, we all did the drug thing, we all did the money thing, and eventually you find out that none of that stuff fixes anything, and we have nowhere else to go except to evolve spiritually and intellectually" -- Meredith Brooks
"Look out fo' flyeeng feet" O__/ a010111t@bc.seflin.org /|____. O <__. /> / \ ____________|_________ http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Monkey414