Thomas Tan wrote:
I get the following error when I try to compile this program in GPC beta (100197) for DJ Compiling: assign7Sort.pas gpi-hash.c(321) Error: failed assertion `ss.key == -DEBUG_HASH_KEY' Abort!
At the moment I'm only guessing, but I got the same error messages when I was trying to use a unit compiled with an older GPC version. The .gpi files (precompiled unit interfaces) are not compatible between different GPC versions, and unfortunately (currently), GPC does not warn about this problem, but cause this error message. So just recompile everything, and it ought to work. (However, when recompiling system, you might encounter another problem causing a segmentation fault in GPC. If so, you can temporarily solve it by commenting out the initialization code related to CmdLine and PPJunk.)
This is a bug report for RHIDE Version 1.4 (Sep 30 1997 23:06:59) I am running MS-DOS 7.10 (Windows 95)
BTW: AFAIK, this bug report form is to be used for bugs in RHIDE itself, not for bugs in a compiler (GPC) that are not related to RHIDE...