Would anyone please tell me what to write in a Console App so DOS opens in Full Screen mode, not in a window, and in 80 x 25 mode (80 columns, 25 lines).
Thank you,
I am not sure if libraries for this exist on your specific platform, but generally: You don't
That is because you simply can not assume a type of console, screen width, height, etc. Historically, these things were determined by hardware that could not be changed.
On your specific platform there may be ways to do that, but if your platform is Windows then I know knowthing about that
Am 01.09.2008 um 17:05 schrieb Prof. Harley Flanders:
Would anyone please tell me what to write in a Console App so DOS opens in Full Screen mode, not in a window, and in 80 x 25 mode (80 columns, 25 lines).
Thank you,
Prof. Harley Flanders 3533 Windemere Court Ann Arbor, MI 48105-2867 Home: 734 668 1546 harley@umich.edu =============================
Hello Harley,
Assuming you're running this console app (a DOS binary?) on MS Windows, the traditional solution is to create a program information file (.PIF) for your application.
I don't use MS Windows much, so I just borrowed my wife's computer to try this. The procedure seems to be as follows...
1) Right click on a blank part of the desktop. From the menu that pops up, choose 'New' and then 'Shortcut'.
2) In the resulting 'create shortcut' dialogue box, type the full path and filename of your DOS binary e.g. F:\Andy\FISHFACE.COM and click [Next].
3) Give your shortcut a label (e.g. "Fishpaste") and click [Next].
4) Choose an icon for your program and click [Finish].
5) Right click on your new icon and choose 'Properties'.
6) Click on the 'Screen' tab and then in the 'Usage' section click the 'Full-screen' radio button.
7) Click [OK] and then test your new icon. Hopefully your DOS binary now runs full screen on MS Windows.
I hope this helps.
- Andy Ball
On 1 Sep 2008 at 11:05, Prof. Harley Flanders wrote:
Would anyone please tell me what to write in a Console App so DOS opens in Full Screen mode, not in a window, and in 80 x 25 mode (80 columns, 25 lines).
If it can be done at all, you would have to get your hands dirty with winapi programming. You might want to search the Win32 programming forums or newgroups, as I am sure that someone would have asked this question before.
Best regards, The Chief -------- Prof. Abimbola A. Olowofoyeku (The African Chief) web: http://www.greatchief.plus.com/