Some general pointers beyond those I already mentioned:
Define a few syntax reassignments at the top of the DEC Pascal:
{--- Command Substitution ---}
{--- Type Substitution ---}
{$define uint cardinal} {$define sngl single} {$define dble double} {$define zero(a) DEC_zero(a, #0, sizeof(a))}
{--- File Handling ---}
{$define status(a) IOResult} {$define open(a, b) assign(a,b)}
{--- Read enumerated types / booleans from files ---}
{$define readlnenum(a,b,c) readenum(a,b,c);readln(a)} {$define readlnbool(a,b) readbool(a,b);readln(a)}
Then create a UNIT for inclusion in the Pascal modules to do some other bits:
UNIT OS_linux;
USES const_type;
TYPE Tstring = String(2048); Pstring = ^String;
FUNCTION LoCaseStr(CONST s : string) : Tstring; asmname '_p_locase_str'; PROCEDURE LoCaseString(VAR s : string); asmname '_p_locase_string'; PROCEDURE DEC_zero(VAR param; ch : char; size : longint ); asmname 'memset';
FUNCTION pad(str : string; fill : char; size : integer) : linestring; PROCEDURE linux_reset( VAR ip_file : TEXT);
PROCEDURE ReadBool (VAR f : TEXT; VAR ans : BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE ReadEnum (VAR f : TEXT; VAR ans; CONST IDs : ARRAY OF PString); PROCEDURE WriteEnum (VAR f : TEXT; VAR EnumVal; CONST IDs : ARRAY [m .. n : Integer] OF PString);
CONST {This is just an example} ModeIDs : ARRAY [0..2] of PString = (@'interactive', @'batch', @'batch_with_display');
IMPLEMENTATION {************************************************************************* *******************************************} FUNCTION pad(str : STRING; fill : CHAR; size : Integer) : linestring;
VAR returned_string : linestring; i, len_str : INTEGER;
BEGIN returned_string := str;
len_str := length(str); IF len_str > 255 THEN len_str := 255; FOR i := (len_str+1) TO size DO returned_string := returned_string + fill; pad := returned_string;
END; {************************************************************************* *******************************************}
{************************************************************************* *******************************************} PROCEDURE linux_reset( VAR ip_file : TEXT);
BEGIN {$I-} { Disable I/O error checking } reset(ip_file); {$I+} END; {************************************************************************* *******************************************}
{************************************************************************* *******************************************} {*** Enumerated types ***} {************************************************************************* *******************************************} PROCEDURE ReadWord (VAR f : TEXT; VAR s : String);
CONST SpaceCharacters = [' ',#9]; WordChars = ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '_', '0'..'9']; { Allowed characters }
BEGIN s:= ''; WHILE f^ IN SpaceCharacters DO { Skip over whitespace and blank lines } IF EOLN(f) THEN READLN(f) ELSE GET(f);
WHILE NOT EOF (f) AND NOT EOLn (f) AND (f^ IN WordChars) DO {
Build string from WordChar characters } BEGIN s:= s + f^; GET (f) END END; {************************************************************************* *******************************************}
{************************************************************************* *******************************************} PROCEDURE ReadBool (VAR f : TEXT; VAR ans : BOOLEAN);
VAR s : TString;
BEGIN ReadWord (f, s); { Read word from text file } LoCaseString (s); { Change to lower case } IF s = 'false' THEN { Assign logical based on value } ans := FALSE ELSE IF s = 'true' THEN ans := TRUE ELSE BEGIN writeln('Error reading boolean from file.'); halt END END; {************************************************************************* *******************************************}
{************************************************************************* *******************************************} PROCEDURE ReadEnum (VAR f : TEXT; VAR ans; CONST IDs : ARRAY OF PString);
TYPE enum = (z_a, z_b, z_c, z_d, z_e, z_f, z_g, z_h, z_i, z_j, z_k, z_l, z_m); { Dummy enumerated type }
VAR s : TString; temp : enum;
BEGIN ReadWord (f, s); { Read word from text file } LoCaseString (s); { Change to lower case } temp:= Low(enum); { Select first value } WHILE (temp <= enum(High (IDs))) AND { While value < max value AND} (LoCaseStr (IDs [ord(temp)]^) <> s) DO Inc (temp); { string not yet found, increase value}
IF ord(temp) <= High (IDs) { If
string was found } THEN enum(ans) := temp { assign value to variable } ELSE BEGIN writeln('Error reading enumerated type from file.'); halt END END; {************************************************************************* *******************************************}
{************************************************************************* *******************************************} PROCEDURE WriteEnum (VAR f : TEXT; VAR EnumVal; CONST IDs : ARRAY [m .. n : Integer] OF PString);
TYPE enum = (z_a, z_b, z_c, z_d, z_e, z_f, z_g, z_h, z_i, z_j, z_k, z_l, z_m); { Dummy enumerated type }
BEGIN WRITE (f, IDs [ord(enum(EnumVal))]^) END; {************************************************************************* *******************************************} END.
Using {*V*} for DEC syntax and {*L*} for gpc syntax, module headers look like this:
{*V*}[INHERIT('gen_lib.pen','globals.pen')]MODULE example_mod; {*L*}{MODULE example_mod interface;} {*L*}{ export example_mod =(task1);} {*L*}{ PROCEDURE task1(request:integer);} {*L*}{END.}
{*L*}{MODULE example_mod implementation;} {*L*}{#INCLUDE <os_linux.h>} {*L*}{USES os_linux, gen_lib, globals;} VAR ... [GLOBAL]PROCEDURE task1(request:integer);
Unit headers look like this:
{*V*}[ENVIRONMENT ('globals.pen')]MODULE globals_mod; {*L*}{UNIT globals;} {*L*}{#include <os_linux.h>} {*L*}{INTERFACE}
VAR ...
And some other changes are:
{*V*} a:= ZERO; {*L*} zero(a); {*V*} a : array [1..3] of double:= ZERO; {*L*} a : array [1..3] of double:= (0,0,0); {*V*} OPEN(myfile,"filename.dat",ERROR:=CONTINUE, HISTORY:= OLD); {*L*} OPEN(myfile,"filename.dat"); linux_reset(myfile); {*V*}READLN(myfile,Booleanvar); {*L*}READLNBOOL(myfile, Booleanvar); {*V*}READLN(myfile,Enumeratedvar); {*L*}READLNENUM(myfile, Enumeratedvar, EnumstringIDs);
Where ERROR:=CONTINUE is used with READLN, bracket the READLN with {I-} and {I+}. These are compiler directives recognised by GNU Pascal (and ignored by DEC Pascal) which disable I/O error checking.
Replace SYS$OUTPUT with /dev/stdout. Replace SYS$INPUT with /dev/stdin.
David Wood QinetiQ Farnborough
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