hi folks,
the main Makefile contains a date command option SunOs does not understand: (neither /bin/date nor /5bin/date)
p/gpc_date: date '+%h %e %Y' > $@
date '+%h %e %Y' > p/gpc_date date: bad format character - e make: *** [p/gpc_date] Error 64
(found out what was meant by using DEC Unix 4.0d and correct it in my version, - I'll send a patch later)
Harald A. Irmer / hirmer@gwdg.de Biomed. NMR-Forschungs GmbH am MPI f"ur biophys. Chemie Am Fa"sberg 11 / D-37077 G"ottingen Tel. +49-551-201-1042 / Fax +49-551-201-1307
hi folks,
found needed corrections: 1.Had to nullify LANG_LIB2FUNCS in main Makefile because of cyclic compile, resulted in exhausting of proc space: `cannot fork'; with all common makes (previous: LANG_LIB2FUNCS = cplib2.txt) 2.`memmove' in run-time-system is Sys5ish, replace by memcpy (in memory.h), at least please set conditions, #ifdef Sys5 memmove ... memmove is in GNU C++ 3.RAND_MAX (p/rts/random.c) is not known to SunOS, neither to gcc, set for my purpose #define RAND_MAX 32767 4.p/gpc-lex.c needs <unistd.h> (SEEK_SET) 5.p/gpi-hash.c needs <sys/stdtypes.h> (size_t)
it did not help at all, to compile beforehand gcc-2.8.1 alone, unpatched.
Harald Artur Irmer
Harald A. Irmer / hirmer@gwdg.de Biomed. NMR-Forschungs GmbH am MPI f"ur biophys. Chemie Am Fa"sberg 11 / D-37077 G"ottingen Tel. +49-551-201-1042 / Fax +49-551-201-1307
Hallo, Harald! Hi, everybody!
1.Had to nullify LANG_LIB2FUNCS in main Makefile because of cyclic compile, resulted in exhausting of proc space: `cannot fork'; with all common makes (previous: LANG_LIB2FUNCS = cplib2.txt)
That's a "cyclic dependency", right? There must be some bug in GPC's `Make-lang.in' or `Makefile.in' responsible for this. Any idea where it could hide?
[...] 4.p/gpc-lex.c needs <unistd.h> (SEEK_SET)
It gets it now. :-)
5.p/gpi-hash.c needs <sys/stdtypes.h> (size_t)
I do not have <sys/stdtypes.h> here (under Linux). Is there any portable way to include it? (AutoConf experts around here?)
Vielen Dank,
-- Peter Gerwinski, Essen, Germany, http://home.pages.de/~Peter.Gerwinski/ Maintainer GNU Pascal - http://home.pages.de/~GNU-Pascal/ - gpc-980830 PGP key on request - 6C 94 45 BE 28 A4 96 - 0E CC E9 12 47 25 82 75 Fight the SPAM and UBE! - http://spam.abuse.net/ - http://maps.vix.com/