Several weeks (perhaps even a month?) ago, I posted a note about a problem I was having with GPC, under MacOS X, and repeatable under IRIX.
The compiled program was incorrectly giving me a bus error, but inserting an extra WRITELN somewhere would sometimes solve the problem. I have finaly put together an archive which consistantly demonstrates the problem.
Since I have not yet decided firmly on a license for the program, I am requesting that it be used only for helping to find the bug in GPC at this time. If you are interested in doing this, and wish to have access to my archive, please eMail me offlist ( for a copy. Note that I do not consistantly check my mail on certain days of the week, so it may take me a few days to reply.
To see the problem:
$ gunzip opas.tar.gz $ tar xf opas.tar $ cd opas $ make
When the compile fails with a bus error, open 'debug.pas' in a text editor, change the line:
Save it, then:
$ make
After getting the same error (more quickly this time), change the line back to {$DEFINE TRACE}, save it, and once more:
$ make
Now it goes through correctly, and my program actually works, too!
===== ======= Frank D. Engel, Jr.
Modify the equilibrium of the vertically-oriented particle decelerator to result in the reestablishment of its resistance to counterproductive atmospheric penetration.
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Frank D. Engel, Jr. wrote:
Several weeks (perhaps even a month?) ago, I posted a note about a problem I was having with GPC, under MacOS X, and repeatable under IRIX.
The compiled program was incorrectly giving me a bus error, but inserting an extra WRITELN somewhere would sometimes solve the problem. I have finaly put together an archive which consistantly demonstrates the problem.
The bus error is caused by a NIL pointer for the fs variable in typetab.pas, line 295.
Adriaan van Os
Date/Time: 2003-09-12 21:21:51 +0200 OS Version: 10.2.4 (Build 6I32) Host: G4.local.
Command: opas PID: 3084
Exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001) Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE (0x0002) at 0x00000000
Thread 0 Crashed: #0 0x0000d1fc in Isfieldvar (typetab.pas:295) #1 0x0003f1f8 in Matchparamlist (header.pas:676) #2 0x00041678 in Parseprocedure (header.pas:854) #3 0x00043764 in Parseheader (header.pas:1025) #4 0x00003138 in Parseunitimplementation (units.pas:62) #5 0x00006bd4 in Parseunitcompile (units.pas:139) #6 0x00013408 in Tracecompilationunit (symtabs.pas:452) #7 0x0004691c in pascal_main_program (opas.pas:34) #8 0x00046b38 in main (opas.pas:48) #9 0x000023f4 in _start (crt.c:267) #10 0x00002274 in start
PPC Thread State: srr0: 0x0000d1fc srr1: 0x0200d030 vrsave: 0x00000000 xer: 0x00000000 lr: 0x0003f1f8 ctr: 0x900038e0 mq: 0x00000000 r0: 0x000000d8 r1: 0xbfff4610 r2: 0x00000000 r3: 0x00000000 r4: 0x00000001 r5: 0x00000024 r6: 0x00000024 r7: 0x00000000 r8: 0xbfff4620 r9: 0x00000000 r10: 0x00000000 r11: 0x00000000 r12: 0x48000244 r13: 0x00000000 r14: 0x00000000 r15: 0x00000000 r16: 0x00000000 r17: 0x00000000 r18: 0x00000000 r19: 0x00000000 r20: 0x00000000 r21: 0x00000000 r22: 0x00000000 r23: 0x00000000 r24: 0x00000000 r25: 0x00000000 r26: 0xbffff3c4 r27: 0x0000000c r28: 0x00000002 r29: 0xbfff8140 r30: 0xbfff4610 r31: 0x0003ef9c