Hello everybody!
Here again is a new version of GNU Pascal: gpc-970624. Since we are aiming gpc-2.1 now, this is considered a *beta* version. :-)
GPC integrated into GCC =======================
We succeeded to integrate the GPC source tree into that of GCC. Now GPC is compiled and installed just like other GNU compilers.
Advantages of this distribution to the users of GPC are:
* Easier configuration: GPC is configured automatically when you configure GCC. To build it, simply type "make LANGUAGES=pascal" in the GCC directory. No more VPATH problems with some (read: Solaris) versions of `make'.
* Building GCC, G++, ObjC, GPC and G77 (GNU Fortran) from a single source tree is now possible.
Benefits for GPC developers:
* Easier adaption to different GCC versions.
* Better functional separation of GPC sources from the GNU back-end (code shared with GCC) and the GPC specific code.
* A first step of further integration of GPC into the main GCC distribution?
Other changes since gpc-970510 ==============================
General news:
* The version number is now again produced manually, so it does reflect the date of release, not of compilation.
* The GCC_MINOR version number now yields the expected result of `7'.
Bug fixes:
* Concatenation of more than two String constants now results in a constant again, as it should be.
* Chars passed to formal String parameters work now.
* The warning "return type of `main' is not `int'" which occured with Pentium optimization is gone.
* Enumerated types now can be exported by Units or Modules and are type-checked more strictly.
* Pointers to single-character identifiers like `^A' now work as type specifications in variable declarations. (They no more crash with `^A' character constants.)
* GPC no more crashes on errorneous constant definitions.
* GPC no more crashes on errorneous initializers of structured variables.
* AutoMake with (*$L foo.c *) sometimes appeared to chose the compiler to run at random, and it threw the dice to decide whether to recompile the file or not. This feature is replaced now by a more traditional method: (i) Derive the compiler to run from the extension of the file, and (ii) decide whether to recompile or not from the date of the last change.
* Fixed some obvious bugs in the lexical analyzer which never showed up. (The situation was too exotic to appear in praxis.)
* Extended Pascal's `ReadStr' (for BP users: this is EP's equivalent to `Val') now accepts numeric values in non-zero-terminated strings. (GPC's strings are not zero-terminated.)
* Initialized strings no longer get a trailing `chr ( 0 )'. (Initialized `CString's (aka `pChar's) do; see below.)
* Initialization of structured variables containing other structured variables works now.
* OOP: Nested subfunctions of methods work now.
* Pointer arithmetics now also works on the DEC Alpha, where `SizeOf ( Pointer)' is different from `SizeOf ( Integer )'.
* Objects now also work on the DEC Alpha, where the type for sizes of objects is not `Integer' (32 bits) but `LongInt' (64 bits).
* Packed arrays now also work on the DEC Alpha which does not like to access misaligned 64-bit words.
* Schemata now also work on the DEC Alpha.
* Functions returning `Char' values now also work on the DEC Alpha.
* Module (Unit) constructors and destructors now also work on the DEC Alpha. (You see: The DEC Alpha is a good platform to test GPC!)
UCSD (and Borland) Pascal:
* `Exit' handles function return values correctly now.
* Functions returning `String' now default to return `String ( 255 )'. Without the `--borland-pascal' switch, a warning is given. (According to EP, `String' is a Schema type in GPC and not limited to 255 characters.)
Borland Pascal:
* Control character constants like `^A' are now restricted to `^A..^Z' because `^^' happened to crash with double pointer dereferences, etc. (BP has a bug here and does even accept `^;' and `^ ' (with a blank). They might consider it a feature ...)
* `Abstract' can be redeclared now. (BP has no built-in `Abstract', but Turbo Vision defines one.)
* Assigning contant values to `pChar' (aka `CString') variables works now.
* The `write' and `writeln' procedures now work for `pChar's, too.
* Calls to procedural parameters now work in expressions, too.
* Type casts now work like in BP, no more like in C.
* GPC now implements the function return `Result' variable. (According to EP it was always possible to implement it manually by declaring "Function foo ( bar: Integer ) = Result: Integer". (And it still is.:))
Extended Pascal:
* Subarray access `a [ i..j ]' for non-Strings is now warned about in `--extended-pascal' mode.
* Pointers to pointers to undiscriminated Schemata (e.g. Strings without specified length) work now.
* Schemata are (read: should be;) initialized properly now in all situations.
GNU extensions:
* A new option `--executable-file-name' or (*$executable-file-name="foo"*) now provides an alternative mechanism (apart from `-o foo') to specify the executable output file. While `-o' can only be specified at the command line, this switch can be written in the source as a compiler directive. If the name is not explicitly given, it is derived from the source file name which contains the `Program' declaration.
* A new option `--ignore-function-results' or (*$ignore-function-results *) now allows to ignore values returned by functions without (*$X+*). Since this is not as dangerous as, say, pointer arithmetics, it has got a separate switch. It has a counterpart `--no-ignore-function-results'.
* `--extended-syntax' now has a counterpart `--no-extended-syntax'.
* `TypeOf ( MyObj )' is not accepted as an lvalue any more; instead, you can use `AssignType ( MyObj, MyVmtLink )'.
* Assignment of the return value of a function through `asm' statements is now recognized, so you won't get a superfluous "warning: return value not assigned" any more.
* Pointer arithmetics: `inc ( p, n )' now increases the address pointed to by `n * SizeOf ( p^ )' rather than just `n'.
* GPC has new integer types now. Below is a table with their sizes in bits and their equivalents in (GNU) C.
The size is the same for all platforms I have access to, but I am not sure whether this will always and everywhere be the case. However, compatibility to GNU C is guaranteed to work to the extend of the GNU GPL. ;-) The `*Int' types are signed (integer), the `*Card' types unsigned (cardinal numbers). The `*Word' types are unsigned, too, but should be thought of having undefined sign; they are intended to be used where signedness does not matter.
Bits Signed Unsigned undefined (GNU) C equivalent
8 ByteInt ByteCard Byte [signed|unsigned] char 16 ShortInt ShortCard ShortWord short [unsigned] int 32 Integer Cardinal Word [unsigned] int 32 MedInt MedCard MedWord long [unsigned] int 64 LongInt LongCard LongWord long long [unsigned] int 64 LongestInt LongestCard LongestWord long long [unsigned] int
In addition, you can define the number of bits for `Integer', `Cardinal', and `Word' types by putting it in parentheses,
Type Int16 = Integer ( 16 ); (* 16 bits *)
Unsigned17 = Cardinal ( 17 ); (* 17 bits; stored in 32 bits *) (* except when in packed arrays *) (* and records (or on machines *) (* with 17-bit registers:-). *)
Answer = Word ( 42 ); (* Stored in 64 bits *)
The size is rounded up to the next unit the machine can access, usually a power of 2 with 8 bits being the smallest possible size.
* Subrange types can be packed now:
Type Foo: -12..127; (* Takes 4 bytes (fast access) *) Bar: packed -12..127; (* Takes 1 byte (saves memory) *)
Where to get it ===============
The source is being uploaded to
together with binaries for DOS (DJGPP), DOS and OS/2 (EMX), Linux (ELF), and FreeBSD.
Acknowledgement ===============
We thank everybody who took part in the discussion about integer types and other extensions for good ideas.
We thank Larry Carter, Frank Heckenbach, Abimbola A. Olowofoyeku, Markus Gerwinski, Berend de Schouwer, Maurice Lombardi, Phil Robertson, Bernhard Tschirren, and Dario Anzani for finding the bugs.
We thank the IFF (Institut fuer Festkoerperforschung) of the FZ Juelich, Germany, for the opportunity to test this new version of GPC on a DEC Alpha computer.
Peter Gerwinski Jan-Jaap van der Heijden peter.gerwinski@uni-essen.de j.j.vanderheijden@student.utwente.nl
Found a strange bug in trying to unpack the sources of the last beta gpc-970624.tar.gz on plain MSDOS djgpp v2.01 with
djtar -x -v gpc-9706.tgz (8.3 limitation)
It barks: unable to create the directory gpc-970624/p/
If I create manually gpc-9706 before untarring it works.
In fact by comparing with the previous release (which worked directly), the list of contents produced with djtar -t ... I found that the only difference is that now all is in the subdirectory p/ It seems that what is missing is a first line in the tar file which creates the directory gpc-970624 itself: the first line tries to create the directory gpc-970624/p directly
I suppose that you have built the tar tree starting from gpc-970624/p and not from gpc-970624 itself This is supported also by the fact that the files COPYING.gpc and INSTALL.gpc which are said in the file gpc-970624/p/install to be within gpc-970624 together with the directory p are not there.
Hoping it will help