According to Ronald Perrella:
There are two name in Curses that are different only by their capitalization. One is a variable declared as extern. The other is a function.
Use the `asmname' directive to access them. Their *Pascal* names must of course differ.
/* in C */ extern int COLORS;
extern int colors();
(* in Pascal *)
Var ColorVar: __asmname__ 'COLORS' Integer;
Function ColorFunc: Integer; asmname 'colors';
Sorry for the underscores and the different syntax for variables and functions. I already suggested to replace `asmname' with something like `external name',
Var ColorVar: Integer; external name 'COLORS';
Function ColorFunc: Integer; external name 'colors';
but I did not yet work on this. (See the GPC list archives, starting with 7 Sep 1996, for a discussion about pros and contras for different ideas for the syntax for external name specification.)
Hope this helps,
Dipl.-Phys. Peter Gerwinski, Essen, Germany, free physicist and programmer - [970201] maintainer GNU Pascal - [970125]