In message Frank Heckenbach writes:
David James wrote:
I'm having problems with a string in a record that is exported from one module and imported into another. I *hope* I am doing something stupid!
The maodule (dajmod3.pas) and main program (daj3.pas) below should illustrate the problem.
This seems to be another innstance of a known bug with string types. Thanks for the report and the test program which I'm adding to the test suite.
I converted my previous test from extended Pascal modules to units. This is unit dajunit3 and program daj3u, attached. This case works. daj3u makes the record using new().
However what I really want to do is to put this record into shared memory, so I moved to daj4u and dajunit4, attached. This fails.
Eventually, I tried setting the string's capacity before trying to assign a value to it, and, of course, then the program works.
My question is really what is the recommended way to do this: is it to set the string's capacity, or should I be calling some other function to initialise the record proerly after I shmat the shared memory? I assume that new(record_pointer) is initialising string capacities within the record, somehow.
===== program daj3u(output);
uses dajunit3;
begin new(shared_data); with shared_data^ do begin sanity:=4567; writeln('sanity is ',sanity); prefix:='ABCD'; if (prefix='ABCD') then writeln('OK') else writeln('failed ',prefix,'|'); end; end. ===== unit dajunit3;
TYPE astring=string(255); tshared_data = record sanity:integer; prefix:astring; end;
VAR shared_data : ^tshared_data;
end. {of unit implentation} ===== program daj4u(output);
uses dajunit4;
var size:integer; shmflg1:integer; shmflg2:integer; base_key:integer; shmid:integer; shmaddr:pointer; err:integer;
base_key:=16; size:=sizeof(ty_shared_data); shmflg1:=IPC_CREAT + 8#666; shmflg2:=0; writeln('Calling shmget with key ',base_key:1,' for size ',size:1, ' with flags ',shmflg1:1,' and ',shmflg2:1); connect_shared_memory(base_key,size,shmflg1,shmflg2,shmid,shmaddr,err); writeln('returned from connect_shared_memory for main shared memory ', shmid:1,' ',integer(shmaddr):1); if shmid=-1 then begin writeln('Failed to get main shared memory, reason ',err:1); halt; end;
if integer(shmaddr)=-1 then begin writeln('Failed to attach main shared memory, reason ',err:1); halt; end;
with shared_data^ do begin sanity:=4567; writeln('sanity is ',sanity);
(*if we set the string capacity here, everything works prefix.capacity:=255; *)
prefix:='ABCD'; if (prefix='ABCD') then writeln('OK') else writeln('failed ',prefix,'|'); end; end. ===== unit dajunit4;
const IPC_CREAT = 8#0001000; (* create entry if key doesn't exist *)
TYPE astring=string(255); ty_shared_data = record sanity:integer; prefix:astring; end;
VAR shared_data : ^ty_shared_data;
procedure connect_shared_memory(key,size,shmflg1,shmflg2:integer; var shmid:integer; var shmaddr:pointer; var err:integer); implementation
var errno: asmname 'errno' integer;
function shmget(key:integer; size, shmflg:integer):integer; C_language; function shmat (shmid:integer;shmaddr:integer; shmflg:integer):pointer; C_language;
procedure connect_shared_memory; var retval:pointer; inshmaddr:integer; begin shmid:=-1; inshmaddr:=-1; shmid:=shmget(key,size,shmflg1); if shmid=-1 then begin err:=errno; end else begin inshmaddr:=0; retval:=shmat(shmid,inshmaddr,shmflg2); if integer(retval)=-1 then begin integer(shmaddr):=-1; err:=errno; end else begin shmaddr:=retval; end; end; end;
end. {of unit implentation} =====