Hello Peter,
Thank you for helping so often and so well.
With the code below gpc says I is an undeclared identifier and that the condition that I is part of must be of Boolean type. I've been through the examples in the Extended Pascal Standard to see if something is obviously wrong with the code, but didn't find anything there.
Sorry if this is an obvious error in Extended Pascal. My Borland Pascal background leads me to believe that the code is OK, though.
Is gpc not doing something right here?
Thomas S. Dye, Ph.D. Home: 813 16th Avenue, Honolulu, Hawaii 96816. Voice (808) 734-2087. Work: International Archaeological Research Institute, Inc., 949 McCully St., Suite 5, Honolulu, Hawaii 96826. Voice (808) 946-2548; Fax 943-0716.
module charbug interface;
export charbug = (IsAlphaNum);
function IsAlphaNum (ch : char; i : integer) : boolean;
module charbug implementation;
function IsAlphaNum; begin if i > 2 then IsAlphaNum:= ch in ['A'..'Z','a'..'z','0'..'9']; end;