The following program displays 'Linux' as if I did a writeln('Linux') when it is run. I am running an older ver of Slackware & GPC beta. Any ideas?
Ken L.
%<----------------------------------------------- program uname;
const BuffSize = 2048;
var read_fp : file; buffer : array[1..BuffSize+1] of char; chars_read : integer;
procedure memset(cPtr : PChar; SetVal : char; size : integer); C;
(* memset(buffer, char($00), BuffSize);*)
(* This strange program looks like it is doing a writeln('Linux') when run! *)
The following program displays 'Linux' as if I did a writeln('Linux') when it is run. [...]
That's not your program but the builtin `uname' utility. See `man uname'.
The system utility comes first in the path, before your program. Try `./uname'.
At 09:58 AM 11/21/98 +0100, you wrote:
Ok, Do I have all the egg off my face??? ;-) That's what I get when I try to do anything mentaly taxing at 2:00AM! My brain just isn't as flexable as it used to be at that time of day. Sorry to waste the bandwidth!
Ken L.