DESCRIPTION: "begin" is word-symbol (reserved word) in all Pascal
standards. "begin" with its enclosing "end" groups together the statements
Is "enclosing" the right word? English is not my native language, but I'd think the statements between "begin" and "end" are "enclosed", not the "end" itself.
Wherever the Pascal syntax requires one statement "begin" ...
"one single"?
"end" constructions can be used.
Perhaps a small example here (a "for" or "while" loop)?
"begin end;".) The execution part of a program block syntactically is a single statement therefore should be enclosed into a "begin ... end." construction.
Perhaps clarify that it *must* be enclosed. Otherwise, someone might get the idea that the following would be valid:
program foo; writeln('Hello, world.').
This holds for the (optional) initialization part of Units as well.
Don't forget to mention in the "Standards" section that this is a BP (or already UCSD?) extension, in contrast to "to begin/end do" which are EP.
According to Frank Heckenbach:
This holds for the (optional) initialization part of Units as well.
Don't forget to mention in the "Standards" section that this is a BP (or already UCSD?) extension, [...]