Forwarding from Marco van de Voort (with my comments):
: I sometimes see "how does this work in delphi" kind of msgs in the NG. : : I don't know if you are aware of it, but there is a language tutorial for : this that is public (so can be pointed to in the maillist) and quite decent : on : : : : It is no deep treatise for a compiler writer, but it might be useful anyawy.
Thanks. Though the author makes the usual mistake of claiming that Turbo Pascal supported J&W Pascal, and a few other small factual errors I noticed at a quick glance, it may be useful as a reference sometimes.
: (for compiler writer, the quite up to date "keyword/reserved words" list : might be useful, it also lists the other OOP method modifiers besides virtual : and override. (see automated, dynamic, reintroduce, abstract, message) : : Not all might be interesting for your purposes, but reintroduce and abstract : could be.
Where is `reintroduce' described? (Couldn't find it browsing through, and the book doesn't seem to have a real index. The keyword list only mentions that is exists.) I suppose `abstract' means the same as in GPC.