On 11 Sep 96 16:01:47 EDT, Berend de Boer 100120.3121@CompuServe.COM wrote:
I think I'll just rewrite the signal related stuff in rts-rt0.c, implement some BSD/SYSV independant routines that ONLY mask signals that are actually present on the target system.
I don't have handson experience with signals, but it seems to me that POSIX already did this. I suggest using signals according to the POSIX standard.
And every unix box should come with some decent posix library these days.
POSIX describes a "minimum set" of signals that must be present in a system. It's the non-POSIX, system specific signals that caused the confusion here.
Of course I could just remove all non-POSIX stuff from GPC, but I don't think that's necessary.
It also shouldn't be hard to implement a runtime switch to turn signal catching off altogether to enable coredumps, like somebody else suggested.
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