This report was submitted to the Debian bug tracking system. Is this something generally useful?
Matthias Klose wrote:
This report was submitted to the Debian bug tracking system. Is this something generally useful?
I have packaged grx, the Graph unit emulation for debian. I have sent a preliminary diff to the authors.
Fine, thanks.
But the integration into gpc needs some support to make it easily useable. The problem is, that there is no common place where to put unit sources, which get recompiled by the installed gpc compilers on updates. I would suggest to add a directory like /usr/share/gpc/units, where all packages can put their unit source files and a e.g. update-gpc-units script which gets called by every package which installs a new unit. Currently the users have to symlink the unit source files into their project directory and compile them themselves.
It can be done a little easier. With `--unit-path=/usr/share/gpc/units --automake' GPC will find the units without symlinks and (re-)compile them when necessary.
If all system-wide units are installed in the same directory, this will be a one-time setting (so no update-gpc-units needed so far). For now, it can be done, e.g., as a wrapper script for GPC or an alias etc. In the future, a utility (gp) that will come with GPC will also support setting default options.
They also have to give the needed library pathes of those units themselves.
Yes, that can be a problem, but what's your suggested solution? Of course, if all (relevant) libraries are installed in a few standard places, the corresponding `-L' (and possibly `-Wl,-R') options can be set globally as said before. Otherwise, I think, there must be a way when installing a library to determine the necessary library paths (and other necessary options, e.g. also include paths if the units use C wrappers -- not necessary for GRX, but for a number of other libraries) and add them to the global options (which would then be stored somewhere in /etc I guess). I suppose this would be a job for the package maintainers ...