Hello, I have to make 16-bit DLL library under OS/2. The head of the functions in this library must be Pascal-like. Could you help me how to do it. Danuta Burnicka
------------------------------------------ Nicholas Copernicus University Library D.Burnicka@bu.uni.torun.pl ul. Gagarina 13, 87-100 Torun, Poland tel: +48 (56) 6114475 http://www.bu.uni.torun.pl ------------------------------------------
Danuta Burnicka wrote:
I have to make 16-bit DLL library under OS/2. [...]
No chances with GPC - sorry. It is a 32/64-bit compiler and can create 32-bit DLLs for OS/2 (with EMX), but no 16-bit DLLs.
Please try any 16-bit compiler - Borland Pascal, or any other language. DLLs _should_ ;-) be language-independent.
Hope this helps,
On 3 Aug 99, at 10:02, Danuta Burnicka wrote:
Hello, I have to make 16-bit DLL library under OS/2. The head of the functions in this library must be Pascal-like. Could you help me how to do it.
You cannot do it with GPC. However, if you have Borland Pascal v7, then you can download the OS/2 patch for it, which allows it to compile 16-bit OS/2 binaries. Do an internet search for the files: bp7_os2.zip, and bpos2v2.zip
Best regards, The Chief -------- Dr. Abimbola A. Olowofoyeku (The African Chief) Email: laa12@keele.ac.uk Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/African_Chief/ Author of: Chief's Installer Pro v5.12 for Win32 ftp://ftp.simtel.net/pub/simtelnet/win95/install/chief512.zip