Hello, all.
I am having trouble with compiling grx20-using programs under RHIDE. Specifically, I can't seem to compile BLT_TEST.PAS under RHIDE, even though I *can* compile it successfully from the command line.
From the command line, the program compiles with:
gpc -g --automake="-g" -o blt_test.exe blt_test.pas -lgrx20 I report this with gratitude to Maurice Lombardi, who patiently walked me through the procedure and sent me several files I was missing.
From RHIDE, if the grx20.o and grx20.gpi files are present, I get:
../Pascal/blt_test.pas (3) Error: module/unit Interface 'Grx20' could not be imported.
If the grx20.o and grx20.gpi files are not present, I get: ../Pascal/blt_test.pas (3) Error: module 'Grx20' could not be compiled
Compiler options such as --automake="-g" and -lgrx20 have no apparent effect.
I am greatly encouraged that I have gotten the program to compile, but it seems that it ought to compile under RHIDE too (that is, after all, some of the point of RHIDE!).
Any suggestions?
Toby Ewing ewing@iastate.edu 515/294-7856 http://www.agron.iastate.edu/soilphysics/ewing.html Soil Scientist, Iowa State University
Robert P. Ewing wrote:
I am having trouble with compiling grx20-using programs under RHIDE. Specifically, I can't seem to compile BLT_TEST.PAS under RHIDE, even though I *can* compile it successfully from the command line.
This looks as if RHIDE would compile, but not correctly `--automake' the project.
How are you trying to compile the program from RHIDE?
The following should work:
* Open a project "foo" (menu "project").
* Enter "foo.pas" as the Pascal "primary file" (menu "project").
* Add `grx20' (plus, under Linux, `svga' (or `grx20X' and `X11')) to the libraries (menu "options").
* Compile the project with `make' (menu "compile", item "make" - or the hotkey F9).
After that, an executable "foo.exe" (under Linux: "foo") should exist. You can execute it directly from RHIDE using "run" (menu "run" - or the hotkey Ctrl+F9).
Does this work?
In the worst case, please try to give `grx20.o' as an additional "compiler option", and let me know what this changes.
Good luck,
Yes, now the program is compiling successfully under RHIDE.
I never did get automake to work right, so I ended up separately compiling the grx20 unit. Then I got errors because, regardless what I told RHIDE, gpc couldn't find grx20.o (it was in gpc\bin). I moved it to the same directory as the test program, and then things compiled fine. I don't know offhand whether entering 'grx20' in the library options made a difference - didn't tamper with success.
Nice graphics. What a relief to see them at last! Toby